Online Konversationsstunden
my.conversations bietet interaktive Live-Unterrichtsstunden, die speziell darauf ausgelegt sind, Ihre mündlichen Sprachfähigkeiten auf unterhaltsame und effektive Weise zu verbessern. Wenn Sie sonst kaum Möglichkeit zum Üben der Sprache haben, ist my.conversations genau das Richtige für Sie!
Im Fokus steht das aktive Sprechen: Während der Unterrichtszeit sprechen die Teilnehmer 90% der Zeit, während die Trainer maximal 10% übernehmen.
Die wöchentlichen Live-Sessions werden von zertifizierten inlingua-Trainern geleitet und decken mehr als 25 Themen in Deutsch ab.
Teilnehmer & Gruppengröße
In jeder 55-minütigen Session können bis zu 4 Teilnehmer aus dem internationalen inlingua Netzwerk teilnehmen. Die gebuchten Kurseinheiten finden in jedem Fall statt, auch wenn Sie der einzige Teilnehmer sind.
Aktuell verfügbar für die Sprachlevel A2, B1, B2 und C1.
Preise & Staffelungen
Eine Konversationsstunde Deutsch – 7 Coins
Staffelungen DEUTSCH
7 Coins – 1 Lesson – € 25 HIER kaufen
35 Coins – 5 Lessons – € 125 HIER kaufen
70 Coins – 10 Lessons – € 225 (statt 250) HIER kaufen
105 Coins – 15 Lessons – € 325 (statt 375) HIER kaufen
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Wählen Sie aus folgenden Themen in Englisch und Deutsch. Bitte Filter verwenden!
Environmental Issues
This conversation lesson is about
1. Environmental problems and solutions. 2. The causes and consequences of environmental issues. 3. The meaning of environmental-related quotes. (Level: English 4.1 Unit 08).
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This conversation lesson is about
1. Things you have experienced or done in the past. 2. Sharing experiences of visiting places. 3. Your preferred methods of learning English. (Level: English 1.2 Unit 27).
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This conversation lesson is about
1. Describing someone or something. 2. Quantifying things in different places. 3. Explaining things that have gone wrong. (Level: English 1.2 Unit 22)
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This conversation lesson is about
1. If someone follows fashion or not. 2. Describing clothing using idiomatic marketing / advertising expressions. 3. The meaning of different clothing-related idioms. (Level: English 3.2 Unit 23).
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Feeding the World
This conversation lesson is about
1. Intensive vs. organic farming and having your own farm. 2. Finding out if different farming methods affect food and taste. 3. The meaning of different food-related quotes. (Level: English 4.1 Unit 10).
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Feeling Good
This conversation lesson is about
1. What makes a good or a bad lifestyle. 2. Suggesting ways to improve someone’s lifestyle. 3. Discussing how to improve work-life balance. (Level: English 1.2 Unit 24).
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This conversation lesson is about
1. Describing different emotions and feelings. 2. Speculating why people express different feelings. 3. Discussing quotes about feelings. (Level: English 3.2 Unit 21).
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This conversation lesson is about
1. Defining if someone is risk averse or a risk taker. 2. Discussing different financial terms. 3. Brainstorming the meaning of various finance-related idioms and phrases. (Level: English Finance Module).
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Flexible Working
This conversation lesson is about
1. Identifying different ways of working. 2. The costs and benefits of flexible working. 3. Discussing quotes related to flexible working.
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Food and Drink
This conversation lesson is about
1. Guessing food and drink vocabulary. 2. Discussing food and restaurant experiences. 3. Describing food and drink via a quiz. (Level: English 2.1 Unit 14).
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Forces of Nature
This conversation lesson is about
1. Different forms of power, both natural and man-made. 2. The problem of global warming and how to solve it. 3. Elements of nature and their impact on the planet. (Level: English 2.1 Unit 12).
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Free Time Plans
This conversation lesson is about
1. Planning an unforgettable holiday. 2. Organizing a fun party. 3. Discussing fun ways to relax. (Level : English 1.2 Unit 25)
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Get Cooking
This conversation lesson is about
1. Cooking utensils, ingredients and popular food. 2. Typical food from other countries and favorite meals. 3. The meaning of various cooking-related quotes. (Level: English 3.1 Unit 05).
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Getting there or not
This conversation lesson is about
1. Personal transportation issues. 2. The future of transportation. 3. Offering advice on how to solve different problems. (Level: English 2.2 Unit 21).
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Global Food
This conversation lesson is about
1. Where your food comes from and the advantages and disadvantages of imported food. 3. Purchasing global or local food. 3. Discussing food-related idioms.
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Going Green
This conversation lesson is about
1. Environmental problems and causes. 2. Suggestions on what to do to help save our planet. 3. Discussing climate-related quotes.
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Hard Work
This conversation lesson is about
1. Past manual labor now being done by machines. 2. Comparing studying or working from home with traditional office work / classroom teaching. 3. The meaning of work-related quotes. (Level: English 2.2 Unit 20)
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Having Fun
This conversation lesson is about
1. How someone can have fun where they live. 2. Discovering ways of having fun in different places. 3. Discussing extreme ways of having fun. (Level: English 1.2 Unit 19).
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Home and Office
This conversation lesson is about
1. Comparing an office in the past and now. 2. Converting an old house into a youth center. 3. The meaning of various home-related quotes. (Level: English 3.1 Unit 14).
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Human Resources
This conversation lesson is about
1. Best and worst jobs as well as your personal dream job. 2. Career choices and perks at work. 3. Human Resource Manager challenges and solutions. (Level: English HR Module).
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In Control
This conversation lesson is about
1. Different controllable electrical appliances. 2. Control by people or governments / organisations. 3. Losing control and how to regain it. (Level: English 2.2 Unit 18)
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Interviews and SWOT
This conversation lesson is about
1. Examining the components of a SWOT analysis. 2. Doing a SWOT analysis for an English Trainer position. 3. Role playing an interview in different contexts. (Level: English Interviews Module)
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Jobs and Skills
This conversation lesson is about
1. Using job-related vocabulary to describe personality and attitudes. 2. Strengths, weaknesses and jobs that you’ve done so far. 3. The meaning of job-related quotes. (Level: English 3.1 Unit 07)
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Law and Order
This conversation lesson is about
1. Legal issues and legal vocabulary. 2. Breaking rules, crime and punishment. 3. The meaning of crime-related quotes.
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This conversation lesson is about
1. Defining what makes a great leader. 2. Describing leadership in your company as well as your personal best leader. 3. Discussing leadership-related phrases.
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Leisure Time
This conversation lesson is about
1. Talking about leisure preferences. 2. Activities to try, or not, plus future trends. 3. Discussing different leisure time related quotes & phrases. (Level English 2.1 Unit 10).
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Life Decisions
This conversation lesson is about
1. Important and impactful decisions you have made recently. 2. Planning to move to another country. 3. Advantages and disadvantages of living in another country. (Level: English 1.2 Unit 25).
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This conversation lesson is about
1. Work-life balance and how to improve your lifestyle. 2. Changing each participant’s lifestyle. 3. Brainstorming the meaning of quotes related to lifestyle. (Level: English 2.1 Unit 11).
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Looking Back
This conversation lesson is about
1. Talking about memories and past events. 2. Guessing other participant’s past events. 3. Discussing what happened in the past and changing some past events by traveling back in time with a time machine. (Level: English 1.2 Unit 17)
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This conversation lesson is about
1. What makes a good or a bad manager. 2. Management styles and how to motivate staff. 3. Discussing manager-related quotes and idioms.
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Managing Fears and Stress
This conversation lesson is about
1. How to overcome phobias and fears. 2. The causes of burnout and possible solutions. 3. The meaning of stress-related phrases. (Level: English 2.2 Unit 27)
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Means of Transportation
This conversation lesson is about
1. How people travel to different places. 2. Discussing different forms of transportation. 3. Opinions on using new forms of transportation. (Level: English 1.2 Unit 29)
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This conversation lesson is about
1. Meetings, and if they are useful and interesting or boring and a waste of time. 2. The best types of meetings and table layout. 3. The meaning of meeting-related quotes. (Level: English Meetings Module)
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This conversation lesson is about
1. What participants would do if they won the lottery. 2. Different economic systems. 3. The meaning of money-related phrases. (Level: English 2.2 Unit 26)
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Multicultural Workplace
This conversation lesson is about
1. Cultural problems that can occur when working abroad. 2. Cultural issues at work and how to solve them. 3. The meaning of different “cultural” quotes. (Level: English Socializing across Cultures Module).
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This conversation lesson is about
1. Describing different animals. 2. Giving advice on avoiding dangerous animals. 3. Planning a nature trip, such as going on a safari. (Level: English 1.2 Unit 21)
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Negotiating Skills
This conversation lesson is about
1. Negotiating styles and getting a great deal. 2. Negotiating skills, and if these are natural or learned. 3. Discussing the meaning of negotiation-related idioms. (Level: English Negotiating Module)
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On the Phone
This conversation lesson is about
1. Comparing different smartphones and future telephone developments. 2. Annoying phone usage and rules in public. 3. Role-playing telephoning situations. (Level: English 2.2 Unit 17)
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Small Talk
1. Definition und Regeln von Small Talk. 2. Small Talk führen. 3. Gute und schlechte Small-Talk-Themen.
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Kaufen und Verkaufen
1. Wichtige Faktoren beim Kaufverhalten. 2. Präferenzen beim Kauf & Verkauf von Waren. 3. Sprichwörter übers Kaufen & Verkaufen.
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Hobbys und Freizeit
1. Vorlieben und Abneigungen von Freizeitaktivitäten. 2. Trends, die man ausprobieren möchte oder nicht. 3. Besprechung freizeitbezogener Zitate & Sätze.
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Interviews und SWOT-Analyse
1. Untersuchung der Bestandteile einer SWOT-Analyse. 2. SWOT-Analyse für eine Stelle als Deutschlehrer. 3. Rollenspiel eines Vorstellungsgespräches.
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1. Das Leben mit oder ohne Telefon. 2. Lästige Anrufe und Festlegung einiger Regeln. 3. Bedeutung von Zitaten zum Thema Telefonieren.
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Menschen und Orte
1. Wie bestimmte Orte & Tätigkeiten erörtert werden können. 2. Stereotypen und wie real sie sind. 3. Redewendungen rund um Menschen und Orte.
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1. Bildungssysteme in verschiedenen Ländern. 2. Schaffung eines besseren Bildungssystems. 3. Bedeutung einiger bildungsbezogener Redewendungen.
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1. Verhandlungsstile und wie man ein gutes Geschäft macht. 2. Verhandlungskompetenzen: angeboren oder erlernbar? 3. Bedeutung verhandlungsbezogener Redewendungen.
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1. Meinungen über Präsentationen erstellen. 2. Verhalten während Präsentationen. 3. Erarbeitung einer einminütigen Präsentation.
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Sitzungen Leiten
1. Wichtiges Vokabular für einen Vorsitzenden. 2. Wichtige Kompetenzen & Fähigkeiten um Sitzungen zu leiten. 3. Rollenspiel bezüglich der Leitung einer Sitzung.
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1. Umweltprobleme & mögliche Lösungen. 2. Ursachen & Folgen von Umweltproblemen. 3. Bedeutung umweltbezogener Zitate.
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Geschichten Erzählen
1. Fake News & erfundene Geschichten. 2. Rezension eines Films oder Buches. 3. Zitate rund um das Geschichten erzählen.
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